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missing initramfs after yum update kernel
nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet — A solution for CentOS Dedicated Servers
Block bitmap for group 256 not in group
Enable Apache Gzip Compression (mod_deflate) Globally in WHM/cPanel
Locked due to cPHulk Brute Force Protection System
Segfault at PHP
Apache MPMs Explained
ERROR: dmesg says, xen_balloon: reserve_additional_memory: add_memory() failed: 17
CPU#0 stucks for xx seconds
How to disable cPanel redirection to SSL?
Restarting Services From the Command Line
Solutions to Python-related problems in Nginxcp
Fcgi recommended setting for VPS
mysql failed to start due to corrupted innoDB
Linking clamav and maldet
Different PHP Handlers explained
preventing OOM-killer being invoked
How do I setup my own nameserver ?
my VPS is down ?
Kernel panic auto reboot setting
Increasing /tmp size
How do i setup rDNS ?
Clearing memory cache in unix
Auto Restart httpd and mysql service
Suspicious process running under user haldaemon alert from CSF
What Semi-Managed service that you offer?
Restoring CPanel backup from bluehost
Mistakenly uploaded .zip file into database
register_globals warning from CSF
Installing CSF
WordPress ModSecurity Rules
Email hardening Practices
How do I login into the Solusvm panel ?
Locations of Common Log Files on cPanel Servers
Cloning Database
/tmp 100% full, but disk space is not full
How do i setup rDNS ?
July 23, 2016
To setup rDNS for your VPS, please send ticket to with your details such as your hostname and main IP address.
At the moment, rDNS setup has to be done manually and the function in your SolusVM master to set rDNS is not working.
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Increasing /tmp size
Clearing memory cache in unix
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