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512MB Memory - SG Server

This package consists of:

- 512MB Guaranteed Memory!

- 20GB Disk space 

- 150GB Premium Bandwidth

- Webmin included! 

- Telin Datacenter (Singapore)

- CentOS powered operating system

- Telin Singapore datacenter 

- Full root control/SSH 

- Equal CPU Usage  

- Semi-Managed support  

- Xen powered architecture, non-oversold server!  

- SolusVM panel included  

- Optimized and Secured!  

- Firewall secured!

- 1 IPv4 included!  

- Unlimited support by chat and email

Configure Product

Product Addons

Order Summary

  • 512MB Memory - SG Server
  • Memory (SG)

  • OS Add-on

  • Diskspace (SG)

  • FTP Backup Service (US)

  • Bandwidth (SG)

  • Billing System

  • Apps Auto-Installer

  • Dedicated IP (IPv4) (SG)

Total Due Today