The following notification was just received from Colo4:
EVENT ID: COLO401192011-NM
DATE: 6 Jan 2012
WINDOW START TIME: 4:00 PM Singapore Time
ESTIMATED END TIME: 7:00 PM Singapore Time
SERVICES/EQUIPMENT: Level3 Circuit on Premium (IP Managed) Bandwidth
TYPE OF WORK: Provider Code Upgrade
PURPOSE OF WORK: Pre-fail Maintenance
IMPACT OF WORK: Router Offline, Service Disruption
Maintenance Description:
Upstream provider Level3 will be upgrading the code on their router
EDGE3.DAL1 tomorrow morning between 2am and 4am. Colo4 will
preemptively perform a controlled shut down the Level3 circuit just
prior to the maintenance window and will bring the circuit immediately
following the window and we have confirmation that the Level3 router is
back to operational status.
Level3 circuit won't be hanging around for hours but will rather be
shutdown few minutes before Level3 will start their maintenance. At that
moment traffic will stop going through Level3, BGP announce through
Level3 will die and all that traffic will start going through other
transit providers. There might be few minutes of connectivity
interruption during that time.