[SG Server] 18 May 2013 - 12AM Singapore Time - Server Shared Hosting Upgrade

  • May 13, 2013 by Tech #1
Following our FY 2012/2013 plan, we are excited to announce that the Singapore server will get upgraded to double the existing capacity. 
With 24 cpu core xeon and Raid 10 SAS 15k rpm, this definitely will bring benefit to you either directly or indirectly.

Migration will be started on 18 May 2013 (Saturday) early morning at 12AM Singapore time and may take few hour or so to migrate the whole data to new server.
Rest assured, your data will be backup and no data loss shall happen. 

In the event that migration fails, we will plan new migration timing and your existing account will be immediately turn on.

If you need more information, please open a support ticket at support@bennykusman.com

Thank you 


17 Apr 2013 - 11.30PM - VPS Shutdown begin
18 Apr 2013 - 12AM - Backup account is running now
18 Apr 2013 - 12.30AM - Backup file sent to new server started
18 Apr 2013 - 02.50AM - Backup file sent to new server completed
18 Apr 2013 - 02.55AM - Restore file in new server started
18 Apr 2013 - 05.00AM - Restore file in new server completed